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Day to Night: Transition from Work to Night Out with Feelingirl Shapewear

True divas know how to transform a daytime look into a fabulous night look in no time! If you use Feelingirl shapewear, you can easily make this transition too and enjoy looking gorgeous from morning to evening! 

So, make yourself a dive and turn your seamless body shaper into a versatile piece for different looks during the day. 

1. Enjoy All-Day Comfort

Firstly, for a long that goes from AM to PM, you must pay attention to your comfort. You can change your outerwear without taking off your shapewear. But, it must be breathable and skin-friendly so that you can enjoy the comfort throughout the day. Also, it is important to have the right size so that it doesn’t feel too tight as the day progresses. 

Feelingirl Shapewear

2. Layer Stylishly

If you have a casual or work look during the day, you can easily layer up stylishly for a quick transition. Take off your work jacket and replace it with a stylish fun. Similarly, you can add some more cool layers, like skirts, jeans, or a cardigan over a full bodysuit underwear

Feelingirl Shapewear

3. Accessorize for the Night

We usually go for a simple and basic look at daytime. This is appropriate for our office or when we are simply running errands in our everyday clothes. But for a fun evening look, you can use your accessories with your shapewear to look more fabulous. 

Pull up a trendy pair of trousers with your bodysuit, wear complimenting heals or boots and pick up your stylish bag. You can also use some jewelry pieces, like necklaces and earrings to give your party look a final touch.

4. Pack Portable Shapewear

If you think you wouldn’t have time to head back home from office and get ready for an evening event, simply take your shapewear with you. Most pieces at Feelingirl are quite light and compact. You can easily fold up your body shapers and carry them in your bag.  Give yourself a curvy and glamorous look after you are done from the office. So, it’s easy to get ready for the evening anywhere any time. 

Feelingirl Shapewear

5. Use Waist-Control Shapewear 

Whether it’s the day or night, you can keep your waist in control with shapers like a tummy control shapewear bodysuit.  It’s perfect for all kinds of looks – at the office, at a casual meet up, or at a formal party. Your transition from basic to fabulous will be really easy. 

Feelingirl Shapewear

Final Thoughts 

Feelingirl shapewear is your answer for a quick and easy transformation form daytime to evening look. These light and high-quality pieces are very comfy for any time of the day. All you have to do is add some stylish layers and use your favorite accessories. This way, you can create the perfect look without any effort. 

So, look great in your shapewear and get different looks for different times of the day with extreme ease. Achieving the dive-look has never been more convenient! 

19 komentar

  1. bisa dipakai untuk mempercantik tampilan saat siang maupun malam hari ya, jadi lebih percaya diri deh

  2. Kayanya aku mulai butuh benda satu ini deh, karena perut sudah mulai susah dikontrol :))
    Btw, mak. Itu logo KEB nya masih yang lama banget, ya. Nanti bisa diubah ke yang terbaru, ya. Di group ada infonya juga :)

  3. Karena aku banyak aktivitas di siang hari, malam tuh waktunya nyantai. Jadi bajunya yang lebih simpel aja.Cuma kadang, ada hal-hal yang emang dikerjakan malam. Yang punya pesta, pakaian pembentuk pinggang tuh emang dibutuhkan ya. Sekarang banyak yang bagus juga

  4. Dulu anak baru 1 masih santai, merasa badan baik-baik saja. Begitu anak 2, huhu gelambir perut kok makin gak tertolong yaaa, kayaknya mulai butuh shapewear semacam ini deh.

  5. I chose the Enjoy All-Day Comfort which is comfortable to wear all day, which is the right size and doesn't feel cramped as the day goes on.

  6. a comfort shapewear is a must, especially if we wear it all day. It still amaze me that this shapewear really support the look. it look so stunning for any daily clothes

  7. shapewearnya kece2 banget. yang pasti bisa bikin bentuk badan kita makin cantik nih.. kira2 ada ukuran xl gak ya?

  8. Aaakkk ini yg aku butuhkaann.
    supaya bodi ttp nampak slim ya mba.
    sembunyiin lemak gelambir hahahahah

  9. Shapewearnya cakep2 banget yaa. Kalau dipakai rutin, kayanya bisa juga nih untuk mengecilkan perut. Eh, ngaruh gak sih? ihihi.

  10. Transformasi busana dari saing ke malam, jadi lebih mudah ya dengan Feelin girl shapewear ini. Mupeng lihat perut dan pinggang bisa ramping gitu

  11. Feelingirl shapewear is your answer for a quick and easy transformation!

    Heheh sebagai emak dengan perut - bokong tak terkontrol butuh banget nih, supaya kembali
    look great in a shapewear!

  12. Memakai shapewear gini tuh jadi andalanku banget kalau harus menggunakan kebaya biasanya lebih sering sih. Tapi memang bagus juga untuk perempuan menggunakan shape wear seperti ini sih.

  13. duh lihat bodi modelnya bikin minder maksimal haha. perlu banget nih untuk menyembunyikan perut gendudku :D

  14. Modelnya gak umum ya
    Ukurannya juga sepertinya pas
    Cuma aku kayaknya bakalan sesak kalau tidak nurunin BB dulu

  15. Nah ini jalan ninja saat harus pake kebaya ato datang ke acara resmi biar ga kliatan gendut ya mak. Modelnya juga bagus

  16. Buat org gemuk macam saya nih, shape ware bantu banget ya ngebentuk body jadi terlihat langsing. Apalagi body2 org bule pan gede2 yaa.. Pasti adalah ukuran saya.. Xixixi

  17. Cakep ya shapewearnya bentuk tubuh pemakainya jadi lebih berlekuk tapi tetap terasa nyaman, bahannya juga terlihat nyaman dan tidak panas ya

  18. Bikin badan kelihatan bagus otomatis makin pede, di indonesia udah adakah produk dengan brand ini

  19. If you want to transform to the ideal body you dream of, you can start by using Feelingirl shapewear ...
    And you can feel the beauty after using it.
