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What to Wear Under a Sweater in Winter

As the temperature drops, there's nothing quite as comforting as slipping into a cozy sweater. However, not all sweaters are created equal, and some can leave you feeling itchy or exposed to the cold air. That’s where layering comes in. By wearing the right undergarments, you can protect your skin from scratchy materials and keep the cold air out. 

Not only does it provide extra warmth, but it also adds a comfortable layer between your skin and the sweater’s fabric. The key is to find the right balance between practicality and style. Whether you go for a subtle or bold color, the right undergarment can elevate your outfit and ensure you are always feeling your best. 

With these tips on what to wear under a sweater, your wardrobe will never leave you feeling uncomfortable.

Comfortable bras

Comfortable bras are the key to feeling confident and at ease throughout the day. 

Wireless bras are one option that not only feel snug and comfortable but also accentuate your natural figure. For those seeking extra support, wired bras are a great choice. 

Strapless and skin-colored bras are perfect for outfits with low-cut necklines or when you want to keep your undergarments hidden. Alternatively, a lace, push-up bra or a brightly colored undergarment can create a bolder look. Each bra creates a unique silhouette, and it is important to try them on with a variety of clothing to see how they complement different styles. 

Regardless of the style you choose, a comfortable bra can make all the difference in how you carry yourself throughout the day.

Lightweight t-shirts

As the weather gets cooler, many of us start reaching for our favorite sweaters. But with the thickness and warmth of a sweater comes the challenge of what to wear underneath it. 

Fortunately, there are lightweight t-shirts that can solve this problem. A good quality, warm shirt can provide an extra layer of insulation without adding too much bulk. It's important to choose the right material to ensure comfort and durability. 

A cotton blend with a touch of spandex can provide both breathability and flexibility, allowing for easy movement throughout the day. With so many options available in the market, finding the right lightweight t-shirt to wear under your sweater can be easy and comfortable.  

So, make sure to get your hands on the right one to enjoy the coziness of your sweaters while staying comfortable all day long.


Camisoles are a practical and often overlooked layering piece for the chillier months. 

Especially when paired under a sweater, they add an extra level of warmth without the bulkiness of an additional sweater or cardigan. Whether you’re looking for a basic option or something with a little more flair, camisoles come in a variety of styles, fabrics, and colors. 

With the best shapewear as a foundation, you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite sweaters throughout the year, regardless of the temperature outside.

Seamless bodysuit shapewear

When the temperature drops, it's tempting to bundle up in layers. However, this can give way to unflattering bulges and bumps, making it difficult to achieve a smooth silhouette. This is where a seamless tummy control bodysuit can come in handy. 

Designed to be worn under any clothing, including sweaters, these shapewears are designed to smoothen and contour your curves, providing a sleek and polished look. Not only does it create a streamlined effect, but it can also boost your confidence by accentuating your feminine shape.


Don't let the bitter cold and scratchy sweaters ruin your style this winter. Don't be afraid to experiment and find the perfect balance between comfort and style. So go ahead, embrace the chilly weather and step out in confidence knowing you have mastered the art of layering. Trust us, your skin (and sense of fashion) will thank you!

20 komentar

  1. Bener nih kalau beberapa sweater suka bikin gatel di kulit kalau tidak ada layernya. Tapi kalau di Indonesia kayaknya gerah seumpama pake sweater yg ada furingnya ya.

  2. Bener banget emang pemilihan dan pemakaian bra yang nyaman akan membuat kita leluasa beraktivitas dan bergerak dengan baik ya. Terlbih sekarang banyak rekomendasi pakaian dalam nyaman dengan model dan bahan pilihan terbaik sehingga enak dipakai

  3. Layering pakaian di negara yang punya 4 season terutama saat musim dingin penting banget ya supaya tubuh tetap hangat. Apapun pilihannya gunakan yang nyaman dan sesuai dengan diri masing-masing ya

  4. Belum pernah berkunjung ke negara dengan 4 musim jadi belum ada pengalaman gimana merasakan dinginnya. Kalau aku kayaknya pakai baju didobel-dobel aja semua, ahaha... biar hemat tempat juga di koper.

  5. Karena belum pernah merasakan salju maupun suhu dingin di luar negeri, kayaknya aku belum tahu nih gimana pakai bajunya. Yang pasti dengan shapewear sepertinya akan membantu kita merasa lebih hangat ya. Camisole kayak gini juga bagus dan simple banget, nyaman di badan. Warna hitam dan putih netral nih cocok dikenakan kapan saja, apalagi untuk dalaman mah bebas ya hehehe.

  6. sesudah rajin pake manset kaos, emang kerasa sih pentingnya pake seamless bra ini mbak, karena biar ngga "nyeplak" gitu

  7. In winter, we have to wear seater and thick clothes. But some people forget that they can choose a shapewear or camisole so they can feel sexy inside.

  8. Aku tiap keluar rumah kayak memang selalu menggunakan dalaman, kebanyakan memang modelnya kamisol karena memang lebih enak dan nyaman. Kebayang kalau pas winter kayaknya selain dalaman, sweater dan bisa jadi ada coat atau jacket lagi.

  9. Dalaman yang nyaman, tentu selain sebagai pelindung kulit juga dari bersentuhan langsung dengan sweater, yang kadang bahannya nggak selalu halus. Apalagi bagi yang kulitnya sensitif

  10. Musim hujan begini saya pun banyak mengeluarkan kamisol untuk sedikit lebih menghangatkan tubuh. Gak sia² rasanya bawa pulang pakaian musim dingin saya kerja jadi TKI dulu, di negara khatulistiwa juga ternyata bisa dipakai sesekali. Hehehe...

  11. Ternyata ada tips juga ya memakai layering saat berbagai musim terutama musim dingin.
    Dalaman memang berperan agar tetap nyaman saat mengenakan sweater!
    Aku pernah menggunakan sweater hadiah, yang menimbulkan gerah dan gatal di kulit.
    Yah, namanya juga sweater hadiah, emang bisa milih?

  12. Okesip, meskipun sedang winter, tetap dong penampilan harus dijaga. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan bodysuit shapewear gini agar selalu rapi tampilannya.

  13. Aku termasuk yang ga kuat dingin banget, kadang ada baju daleman yang memang buat dingin ketika sedang kemping ke gunung, jadinya bisa menghangatkan tubuh dan tentunya bahan yang nyaman yaaa,

  14. Choosing a good undergarment for winter is important because it makes the body feel comfortable to move and not to forget to be one of the fashion that suits your character or identity

  15. Saya pengen deh cobain shapeware nih, mba. Body kita bisa sebahenol itu ga ya? Xixixixi.. Secara itu saya liat webnya bodynya besar2 semua. Jadi mupeng kan hahaha

  16. Memasuki musim winter harus mempersiapkan daleman yang cocok untuk musim ini ya. Seperti bodysuit shapeware ini jadi lebih nyaman juga ya

  17. pakai sweater itu kalau bahannya nggak enak memang bikin gatal. apalagi kita juga tinggal di negara tropis pastinya harus memilih bahan yang baik dan dalaman yang nyaman juga biar pakai sweaternya nggak bikin menderita

  18. sweater dari negara empat musim itu bahannya enak banget ya mak. bisa lembut gitu di kulit. karena memang bahan yang mereka gunakan halus juga. tetapi tetap saja harus memilih bahan untuk dalaman yang nyaman di kulit

  19. Pengen bisa makai seamless bodysuit shapewear, biar bisa menjaga bentuk tubuh lebih proposional lagi

  20. Pakai bodysuit ini bikin tubuh jadi lebih ramping dan berlekuk yaa menambah percaya diri juga tetap nyaman di tubuh
